Friday, April 27, 2012


Sarah says:

Water generally tastes best ice cold.  The water in this bottle is a little on the warm side, not quite room temperature, but close.  Thus, it's not very refreshing.  I would not recommend this water.  I hope to add some ice before continuing to drink further.

Overall: Thumbs down

Have you ever had one of those days where you drink and drink and you just can't quench your thirst?  That's me today.  I just keep downing the water, yet I'm still thirsty!  I don't think I've done anything different that would cause me to need more water than normal.  It's weird.

It's kind of like being a parent.  I can try and try to be perfect, yet it never seems to work out the way I'd like.  

About 3 weeks ago, Liam mentioned that he put some corn in his ear.  Of course I freaked out, but he quickly changed his story to say that he tried to put some corn in his ear, but it came back out.  So, I let it go.  Over the course of 2 weeks, we had several conversations about if there was or was not in his ear, if it did or didn't hurt, where the corn event did or did not happen.  Liam's story changed daily.  I've never wanted to be the Mom that goes to the doctor for every little thing, so we didn't go.  Plus I didn't want to spend $35 for them to tell me there is nothing wrong.  In my defense, I did call the doctor, and they told me that I would definitely know it if there was corn in his ear, there wouldn't be this wishy washy attitude.  They told me not to bring him in unless it was obvious.  It wasn't obvious, so I didn't take him in!  Well, 2 weeks later, I was getting concerned about the fact that we were still having the same conversation, and his pain started to seem a tad worse, so I decided it was time to go in.  I wasn't convinced it was corn in his ear, but I thought maybe there was something in there bothering him. 

So, Jon takes him to the doctor.  Turns out, there was corn in his ear!  This whole thing makes me weak.  The idea of having something hard and poking the inside of my ear for weeks makes me crazy.  I probably would have lost my mind.  Extracting this thing wasn't easy.  The doctor tried a few methods, but was unsuccessful.  So, they sent them to a ENT guy that tried a few things, and was unsuccessful.  Liam was crying, screaming, and fighting it all too much.  So, they brought out the ultimate torture device.  They literally tied him down to a board so he couldn't move.  Liam screamed bloody murder, but after lots of poking and prodding in there, a popcorn kernel was removed.  Liam got a serious talking to about the dangers of putting stuff in your ears, got a sucker, and was sent on his way.  Please note:  Mary was there and watching the whole time.

Of course this whole thing makes me feel like the worst Mom ever.  Jon wanted to take him in sooner, it was my decision to keep waiting.  We are so lucky no damage was done to his hearing.  Would have made all that stuff we went through with the tubes in his ears as a baby seem like a waste!  All was well in our world again.  I didn't hear the words corn or ear after that.... for about 5 days.

So, here we are, about a week later, and Mary starts telling me she has corn in her ear!   Her story is a little scattered too, first saying it's in her ear, then she put it in Liam's ear.  Overall though, she was pretty much sticking with there is definitely corn in her ear.  Well, I wasn't about to make the same mistake again, so Mary went to the doctor the next day.  Turns out, I spent $35 for them to tell me there was nothing wrong.  She has a little dried wax in her ear.  I'm mad.  I warned Mary before hand that I was going to be mad either way.  I'm mad that I took her there for nothing, and that she lied about the corn.  If she had corn in her ear, I'd be mad that she copied after seeing the drama that Liam created.  So, she really couldn't win.  Mary asked for a sucker as we were leaving the doctor.  I did not let her have one.

It's so frustrating.  With Liam I tried to be the calm, non-crazy, Mom and it backfired.  With Mary, I tried to be protective and concerned, and it backfired.  This is why I need wine.  I can't wait for this need for water to be finished so I can get back to the wine!

What's your worst parenting moment?


  1. I love this blog, I am laughing so hard. I think you are a wonderful mom, and it's good to be the crazy, concerned parent and also the parent trying to keep her cool on a possibility of having corn in a child's ear.
    xoxo you wonderful MOM.

  2. Please! "A" worst parenting moment? Remember that I still AM a parent - but in terms of younger kids....let me count the couple of times.

    Similar story on the doctor although my daughter - who constantly had something 'wrong' - said that her leg hurt. Once again, I thought. We had been to the doctor other times when this wasn't the case. Finally - a week later - and returning home with a cast and crutches made me feel like a crummy mother - especially when I turned it on her saying, "if you didn't always cry wolf, I would have believed you."

    We won't go in to my crazy mom-moments when she was a teenager. Remember Sarah: we all do what we think is right at the moment. no malice - but later on I know that I would say to myself, "WHAT WAS I THINKING???"

    You are a good Mom. But, Mom's DO need some vino sometimes! (BTW: I am the anonymous person - don't know how to put my name on to typepad or whatever...)
