Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Gallo Pinot Grigio

Sarah says:

Don't get me wrong, I know this is by no means a good wine.  But I can't resist the tiny bottles they come in.  I really enjoy having a glass of wine in the evening, usually after the kids go to bed.  It's a nice way to end the day and helps me relax.  But I feel like opening a whole bottle of wine is a waste.  There's no need to open a whole bottle for one person to have one glass, when they've come up with these tiny, single serving sized bottles!  This wine is pretty sweet, but that's just how I like it!  Don't worry, I class it up by putting it in a glass.

Overall: Thumbs up.

It's the convenience of these bottles that I enjoy more than the wine itself.  There are lots of things that I like just for their convenience.  I know there are better, maybe cheaper and healthier, versions out there, but these are just so darn convenient that I can't give them up: jarred spaghetti sauce, shredded cheese, disposable diapers.  These items are so easy to use, I can't imagine any other way. 

Sometimes, however, the convenience is also the cheapest and best option: direct deposit, Google.  I have no idea how people lived before the convenience of these things.  Doing research must have been awful.  And having to go to a bank and wait in line, gasp! 

Of course, there's the items that are supposed to be convenient, but end up being more of a nuisance: cell phones, computers.  Phones going off in meetings, creating car accidents, annoying.  And, I'm pretty sure I have the slowest computer ever, such a time waster. (Not that I would consider giving up either of them!)

Lastly, there are those things that have a convenient item available, but I prefer the old fashioned, do it yourself way: salad, oatmeal, reading books.  Salad is cheaper if you do it yourself, oatmeal just tastes better and doesn't really take that long, and a book isn't a book if it's on a screen!

Here is my number one thing that I just cannot wrap my head around why people use the "convenient" version.  Car Washes.  First of all, I get several free car rinses a year from mother nature.  Car washes never get my car all that much cleaner than that does.  There is always a few spots that require scrubbing.  By the time I get out the bucket of soap and water to scrub it, I might as well just do the whole car.  Plus, my kids think washing my car is great fun!  So why on earth would I go pay $5 for a 5 min car wash that doesn't really work, when instead I can do it myself, probably for cheaper if I actually calculated the cost of the squirt of soap and few gallons of water I use (sure, I like numbers and all, but I'm not lame enough to calculate that out), gets better results, plus quality time spent with the kids.  In my mind, there is no other option.  Turn on the hose, get a bucket, soap & sponge, and start washing. 

Jon might disagree, but for now, it's me, my glass of wine, my thoughts.

What's your favorite, or least favorite, convenient item?

I forgot, one more reason I love these little bottles!  They really provide me with about a glass and a half, the perfect reason to have just a little more.  It would be silly to leave a half a glass of wine.  Time for a refill!

1 comment:

  1. My most favorite convenience item? Believe it or not: the car wash! I even TALK to my little Escape en route and say, "you're going to feel SO much better after you get a bath!" Reminder: dirt roads all around me.

    My big favorite IS on-line banking.

    Least favorite convenience? bottle water. Seriously????? "bottled in Flint, MI" I will use it in a pinch but - like I said, "FLINT, MICHIGAN" really?
